Saturday, August 15, 2009
I left Billings a few days ago, and I've essentially burned miles west since then. I'm now in Lewiston, ID, right on the border of Idaho and Washington state, and should make it to Portland tomorrow.
Ugh . . . just, no energy to update right now. It's been cold and raining for the past couple days, and while I'm mostly out of the mountains and into warmth and sunlight now, I'm still exhausted from it. Last night was . . . well it was great in terms of adventure, but sucked in terms of material comfort. It was cold as hell, 40f, and I couldn't seem to stay warm in the sleeping bag no matter how many layers I added. It rained on and off (mostly on) all night, and then this morning downpoured for about three hours straight. This was also when I was about 30 miles deep into the wilderness, having gone exploring WAY off the main road on little gravel/mud access roads. So the first few hours today were spent fighting my way back to the paved roads, then getting out of the mountains.
The good news is that I should be out of the crappy weather for a while now. But it's left me with no energy to sort or upload photos. Maybe I will in Portland.
I did, however, just eat a hamburger the size of my face.