Saturday, October 10, 2009
1. Mind your own business
"Is it your business?" (141). - dervish
"I have no idea" (142). - old man
2. Don't worry about little things
"Do you suppose he worries whether the ship's mice are comfortable or not?" (141). - dervish
"I never bother myself about what happens in Constantinople" (142). - old man
3. Don't try to figure things out that don't really matter.
"Keep your mouth shut" (142). - dervish
"That's enough for me" (142). - old man
4. Keep yourself busy with work.
"...slammed the door in their faces" (142). - dervish
"we find that the work banishes those three great evils, boredom, vice and poverty" (143). - old man
So, that is what I got out of Voltaire's Candide.