Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sabe, não é nem o fato dos 14 anos que eu estou esperando pra ver o Theatre of Tragedy aqui no Brasil, mas os caras mandaram bem, sério, muito bem. Eles já tinham dito que fariam um show especial aqui na nossa terrinha, já que nunca tinham vindo antes e essa é a tour de despedida, mas foi mais que isso, foi mto mais que especial! Nem a dor infeliz que eu tava me fez ficar quieta: cantei e fiquei no 'bate pé', full time =P. Bem, o show foi realmente maravilhoso, pouca gente, o som perfeito, pequenos erros que, fã nenhum deve se lembrar mais. O setlist estava bem equilibrado, rolou várias de quase todos os cds, só ficou o Assembly de fora =/... Porra, não acreditei quando começou Cassandra... há 12 anos atrás eu nunca imaginaria que ouviria isso ao vivo! Aliás, coisa que nunca me aconteceu foi sentir vontade de chorar num show. Acho que num show do Depeche eu poderia me desidratar, mas não imaginei que fosse chorar no ToT, mas chorei. Um show pra guardar no coer, mesmo.

Aliás, melação à parte, o povo lá tava mais tranquilo. Tiöp, no show do Lacuna, tinha uma pivetaiada travestidos de drag queens tristes, já no ToT, não. Não sei se pelo som, principalmente dos albuns do inicio e o ultimo FITW, ou pela idade da galëre, que dava pra ver que a piveta alí, na real, era eu =P. Claaaaro, sempre tem um sem noção, tipo o gatz com a cara de Minancora com make de 'O Corvo' por cima da barba. Ele tava um show a parte! Mas fora isso, o povo estava bem mais comedido que vários outros show aus trevas que eu já vi.

Pra quem gosta da banda e não foi no show, por favor, babe mto:

1.Hide And Seek
2.Bring Forth Ye Shadow
5.Ashes And Dreams
6.A Rose For The Dead
8.And When He Falleth
14.A Hamlet For A Slothful Vassal

17.Der Tanz Der Schatten
Encore 2:
18.Forever Is The World

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

From what I gather, the streets is hungry for more classic mixes by the original techstep don - the UK's (and mid-90's Philly transplant) DJ Trace. I've been a long time fan of the master both as a DJ when I first got hold of his Don FM pirate radio sets from 1993/94, as well as a huge fan of his many incredible productions over the years.

During his stint in my hometown, not only did I get to regularly check Trace (known as Duncan to his mum) play excellently on many massive rigs, I've also been extremely lucky to be on occasion witness to this turntable monster throw down some of the freshest, nastiest dubplates in some of the most intimate settings: on decks set up on kitchen counters in 4am apartment ragers, off the back of a truck behind some abandon warehouse in North Philly, and of course the dark, smokey, extremely loud confines of the upstairs back room @ 1415 Locust (blunts, break-dancing and bass, anyone? Those were the days!).

When Trace announced via his Facebook last month he'd be giving up DJing drum n bass entirely, myself and I'm sure many other longtime fans shed a virtual tear. Lucky for us, many many many recordings of his beautifully hectic, futuristic DJ sets are being preserved digitally to be enjoyed by many more 'headz.

This mix from 1999 - landed via mp3 in my email box recently. I don't actually own a copy, though I do remember it's release and it making the rounds among friends. It's an excellent selection recorded at GFS studios (big up Joe & Justin!) with a nice little intro by the recently elusive Dub 2 MC.

Expect a heavy neurofunk vibe, loads of Bad Company, Ed Rush & Optical, Johnny L, Ram Trilogy, Trace, Fierce, and more. The quality is very questionable at times so forgive me it is out of my control. This is the problem with encoding cassette tapes. Enjoy!

DJ Trace - The Philadelphia Sessions (1999) Side 1

DJ Trace - The Philadelphia Sessions (1999) Side 2

Keep in mind these are ripped from very old cassette tapes, the sound quality is not the best! Click the play button to stream, or to download: just click on the "divshare" logo. On that next page, click the "download" button. You'll get a 15 second countdown, then it takes you to the same "download" screen again. Click "download" again, it will prompt you to open or save. Save and import into itunes, winamp, etc, and viola! Whatever way you do it, enjoy!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hey guys! I'm in love with this one. Great buildup and the drop is insane. SUPPORT IT - CAUSE IT'S WORTH IT.

Sebjak - Bigger (Original Mix)


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Here is just a little thing I threw together for some friends, more or less a recreation of an old anonymous mixtape that made the rounds of our circle during the mid 90's Philly rave scene. For whatever reason it became know as the "Frankie Bones Jungle Tape", most likely because it was some unknown (awesome) jungle DJ's mix taped over a Frankie Bones tape, as the techno-centric Bones was notorious for rarely playing jungle sets, let alone recording them (the shear amount of Frankie Bones in circulation at that time completely supports my theory!).

Whether it's Bones or not, the mix is a fucking wicked one, but as the proud owner of one of the only copies in existence of the O.G. cassette, I could not in good conscience upload the actual mix, simply due to its expected disintegration making it almost virtually impossible to listen to at this point.

The beauty of the mix is absolutely the track selection , a stinky, stuttering ragga funk that gives way to roughneck future business. Cause of its plain and simple awesomeness I recreated it, using my vinyls and some recently obtained mp3's, attempting to recreate as much of the vibe and punch of the original mix. Hope you enjoy.

Joey Breakdown - Jungle Bones 2010

Andy C & Randall - Feel It
DJ Buz - Slave Special
D'Cruze - Chronic Breaks
DMS & Boneman X - Strength
Family of Intelligence - Keep Pushin
The Dubster - Zigzawya
Leviticus - Burial
DMS & Boneman X - Sweet Vibrations
New Blood - Worries In The Dance
Red One - The Futurist (Ant Miles Remix)
DJ Crystl - Groundhog Day
Photek - Move Yourself
Red One - Alive & Kickin (Ant Miles Remix)
DJ Rap & Aston - Get Rushed!

Click the play button to stream, or to download: just click on the "divshare" logo. On that next page, click the "download" button. You'll get a 15 second countdown, then it takes you to the same "download" screen again. Click "download" again, it will prompt you to open or save. Save and import into itunes, winamp, etc, and viola! Whatever way you do it, enjoy!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

fire sword outline

fire sword stamp

fire sword portrait

fire sword delineation

fire sword account

fire sword front

fire sword canvas

fire sword canvas

fire sword icon

fire sword mannerism

fire sword delineation

fire sword shape

Here's the stars of Eclipse at the World Premiere of the upcoming movie. I have to say, I'm def. Team Kristin. Can't wait to see this.. I know every theater will be crazyyy on the 30th.

Check our the Live Stream from the World Premiere of Eclipse. It's streaming now so don't miss out on all your favorite fellas strolling by on the red carpet. 5 more days until it hit's theaters.

The gang is back. I hope this movie doesnt dissapoint!

But YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW by Drake (free download= right click + save as)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm mad at who ever recorded this whole thing sideways :/. Still love it, this is my jam. viabonnieblunts

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lacoste x Mob collab.
Who knew that women's street wear would one day collab. with brands such as Vans, Lacoste, & so many other brands that fly through my memory. The ladies of the street wear scene continue to step it up. Now MOB & Lacoste got hot & heavy and created this t-shirt. The drop date is in July & will be available in some lucky Lacoste store & of course online via MTTM.

Amber Rose has definitely come up from being just Kanye West's arm piece. The trendsetter is featured in YRB Magazine with HAIR!! Giving love to Marilyn Monroe, the girl is a killer! She gives us an insight on her favorite fashion designers and even her relationships with men and women. Click HERE for the entire interview.

This is not my cup of tea but I know many of you guys like Alex Kenji so here's his latest remix.

Stereojack & Starkillers - Fuck Shit Up (Alex Kenji Remix)


Monday, June 21, 2010

Quando vc é realmente mto fã de uma banda, vc quer ter o cd, o LP, a camiseta, quer ver um show deles e tudo o mais. Eu esperei pra ver um show do Lacuna Coil por DOZE ANOS. A ansiedade tava me matando há dias, sábado, minhas mãos estavam suando! Encontrei com a Déa já lá no Espaço Lux, fui com o namour e um amigo. Como eu SEMPRE digo, ter contatos é tudo na vida de alguém... hahaha sabem pq? Pq só nós conseguimos entrar antes de todo mundo... namorado e amigo botaram a gente pra dentro... subindo a escada, já grudei no braço da Déa 'Dé, a Cristina tá no palco!!!!' Sim, meus caros amigos leitores e frequentadores deste meu singelo blog, eu vi Cristina Scabbia de coque no cabelo, sem make, com blusa de moleton juntamente com os outros integrantes da banda passando o som e aquecendo a voz. Alguma coisa tinha que compensar, né? Zicada do jeito que eu sou, tinha que ter alguma coisa boa pra compensar, e MTO boa! Podemos ficar alí, assistimos tudo, bem de pertinho. Pois bem, eles saíram do palco e eu e Déa ficamos no impasse 'colamos na grade ou não?' Até que decidimos que sim, íamos pra grade. Colamos lá e o polvo foi chegando, uma pirralhada do caraio que, dels, a gente não sabia de ria ou saía correndo. No final das contas, a gente acabou foi é arranjando encrenca com alguns dos pirralhos da grade e resolvemos sair dalí, pra não sair dando porrada na criançada. Aliás, até já tínhamos combinado, eu saía dando coturnada e a Dé na porrada mesmo =P hahahah Após isso, até que a Cristina ía se maquiar e panz e enqt a galëre entrava (gordótica plof no chão hahahah) os caras botaram umas músicas lá... não foi mto surpreendente, mas nos sentimos duas tiazonas, qnd começou a tocar Bela Lugosi's Dead e SÓ eu e a Déa começamos a balançar a perna. Tiöp, acho que ninguém alí sabia que diabos era Bauhaus, MTO menos ainda, quem diabos foi Bela Lugosi. Tá, abafa. Aliás, abafa um monte de coisa, abafa nós duas se segurando pra não sair dançando, abafa nós duas cantando Rammstein e Type O Negative, abafa a gente rindo demais do cara das calças dividindo certas partes alí, abafa o funk da pamonha, que até no meio do show, a gente insistia em cantar =P. Mas até aí, a gente ainda tinha voz. Enfim, a espera acabou, Lacuna Coil entrou no palco e tocaram Survive... Cara, eu perdi a fala alí, não tava acreditando que finalmente eu ía ver aqueles caras ao vivo... Depois de Survive, Underdog [uma das favoritas do ult cd] e enfim... qnd ela deu a entender que ía tocar Senzafine, eu já baixei a cabeça, peguei a camera e me preparei pra berrar como nunca...

[vídeo roubado de uma das pirralhadas do show. Okay ameega, nem sei quem é vc, mas o vídeo ficou legal]

E depois, Heavens a Lie... Aliás, Dalmitcha, tentamos te ligar, mas seu celular só chamou! ò.ó E pra acabar com a vida da pessoa, cover de Enjoy the Silence: E pra dar mais inveja ainda pro povo, no final do show, um cara nos parou e perguntou se queríamos a palheta, OBOVIO, né bee? e aí está:

[Bem que eu tentei colocar aqui os vídeos que EU fiz, mas essa net de boxta não ajudou em nada, nem upar no youtube, nem do computador direto pra cá, nem porra nenhuma.]

Só fiquei esperando rolar Tight Rope e fiquei meio tristinha por não ter rolado, eu adoro essa música e o Comalies é meu cd do coer. Enfim, kein Problem, eu gritei mto nesse show e to rouca ainda.

Enfim, melhor show. Nile, KsE, Within, Moonspell, Candlemass, Gathering.. todos foram shows inesquecíveis, mas acho que nenhum foi tão esperado quanto esse! E agora, é passar a semana passando mal, pq domingão tem Theatre of Tragedy, e aí, ameego, são 2 anos a mais de espera que o show do LC e a ansiedade tá me comendo!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I´m on Ibiza, and Alex is doing a great job with the blog, respect!

/ F

HUGE!!! Playlisted by Steve Angello & Sebastian Ingrosso!

Chuckie - We Can't Hear Anybody Out There (Original Mix)


Saturday, June 19, 2010

So What is your verdit on Drake's "Crazy Anticipated" Album Thank Me Later?

Guess what? Kid Sister will be in Boston tonight, performing at the MiddleEast in Cambridge. You already know I'm trying to make it there & if  dont ill prolly cry lol. Seriously though make sure your there to check her out. Doors open at 8:30pm & tickets are ONLY $12. It's gonna be a good night. 

New remix from TV Rock! I just love the vocals of Shawnee, such a great singer! Btw, missa inte Eric Prydz ikväll!

Richard Dinsdale, Richard F & Shawnee Taylor - Give Me More (Tv Rock Remix)


Hey, here's a real beautiful track, you'll see what I mean :)

Adam K feat. King Sunshine - My Love (Original Mix)


Friday, June 18, 2010



natural childbirth manner

natural childbirth lookalike

natural childbirth figure

natural childbirth photograph

natural childbirth canvas

natural childbirth figure

natural childbirth figure

natural childbirth lookalike

natural childbirth double

natural childbirth front

natural childbirth print

natural childbirth image

natural childbirth manner

natural childbirth lookalike

natural childbirth figure

natural childbirth photograph

natural childbirth canvas

natural childbirth figure

natural childbirth figure

natural childbirth lookalike

natural childbirth double

natural childbirth front

natural childbirth print

natural childbirth image