Thursday, February 10, 2011
The tattoo it's an art.
Tattoo. It is
Here is one very interesting and weird scar tattoo. It is triple x scar
and it says
It made me wonder how a person who got, say, a Commodore logo tattooed
Hello Kitty zombie tattoo, it was only inevitable that someone would get
Terrible tattoo - Geekologie
It's been nearly
World's First Eyeball Tattoo
how bad does a tattoo hurt
Geeky Tattoo: Ms. Pacman Head Tattoo Design
A friend of mine has finally made up her mind to have a tattoo. It took her
today showing me his new Hydro Octopus Tattoo. It also reminded me that
So what's your inspiration about having tattoo? what's your best tattoo
Twittering the process of getting a geek tattoo live as it
I am so in love with this tattoo. It is better than anything I ever thought
very little about Wright, yet know exactly the origin of my tattoo. It
robot which crashed and tattooed
It is the one visibly colored tattoo that she has.
Stitches Tattoo Illusion